
Data Scientist & Security Nerd

Masters Candidate, University of Toronto


I'm Jason, a Masters student at the University of Toronto with a passion for computer vision and privacy in machine learning.

With an industry background in full-stack development, natural language processing, and recommender systems, coupled with my research experience in computer vision and continual learning, I am well equipped to take on diverse challenges and drive cutting-edge innovation.

When I'm not working, you can usually catch me playing a game of go, taking photos, or reading science fiction.


Private Generative Modeling with Pretrained Featurizers

Explored the robustness and efficacy of auto-encoders, VAEs, and GANs as pretrained feature extractors within the context of the Differential Private Model Inversion framework, particularly when confronted with challenging and unstable training conditions.

Enhancing Point-NeRF with Coarse Point Clouds

Investigated the practical advantages of integrating a stereoscopic depth sensor into the Point-NeRF framework for 3D scene reconstruction. Designed and conducted real-world experiments to demonstrate qualitative improvements without sacrificing efficiency.

Gaussian Pyramid Adversarial Defence

Proposed a novel ensemble approach employing a gaussian pyramid of resized inputs and an adversarially-trained denoiser to robustly defend against white-box adversarial attacks on CNNs.

Superresolution with SRGAN and SRRESNET

Leveraged pretrained ResNets and GANs for the efficient training of super-resolution models, enabling the synthesis of high-fidelity outputs from low-quality Pokémon images.

Communications Project

Created interactive simulations to describe and communicate the mathematics behind importance and rejection sampling.


Implemented the Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic paper in PyTorch, leveraging parallel processing to efficiently train an agent for playing Space Invaders.